Bikini Shopping . . . Muy Bueno !

Totally unrelated lashes but 100 % related to customer service, gotta tell you about my experience at Bikini Bay. Bikini shopping is no fun for most of us and strikes dread into the hearts of the average women. Now let's add 30 additional pds on that - yup thats right I've gained 30 pds this year as a result of no longer smoking and a total lifestyle change. So, when I booked a vaca with a friend I knew that at some point I would have to make a trek to the mall. Off I go with my fiance in tow to Yorkdale Mall, after a visit to another Bikini store where I was ignored until I had to ask for help. Left in the change room without any help at all - I took a look at the price tag of the only bikini that I liked  . . . $120.00 for the top and $89.00 for the bottom. WHAT !!! hecks no, I'm not spending that on a bikini I don't intend on wearing next year if the gym and I get along. Leaving Yorkdale in tears - now what was I going to do ? I gathered my nerve and went to Bikini Bay at Shopper's World Mall. Greeted as soon as I walked in and then a flurry of suggestions of items I would never have  pick up on my own, off to the change room we went. The person helping me was right there with me the entire time, helping to tie up the tops and making suggestions about matching bottoms. She selected colours that suited me and styles that flattered (or as flattering as they could be considering the present situation). I went into the store to buy 1 and left with 3 BUT because I bought mix and match I actually have close to 9 combinations. Because the person helping me was a sweetheart - she informed me that when the bottoms are too big next year ( such faith she has in me !) I can keep the tops and only have to invest in new bottoms.After my visit to Bikini Bay, My faith in customer service has been restored and I'm looking forward to rocking my new bikini's in Punta Cana. If you live near Shopper's World and have a need for a swim suit - this place is a MUST. Or even if you don't live close, it's worth the trip.