COVID-19: Lash Studios are SUPER Safe

For lash studios, frequent hand washing and disinfection of every surface is business as usual for us. We live in constant fear of Conjunctivitis (pink eye), highly contagious, can live on any surface and can jump from surface to hands. So….if one person brings Pink Eye into the studio it can affect anyone in that day and the lash artist. To avoid a pink eye out break in our studios, we have always practiced the following

  • hand washing, we go through more hand soap than you can imagine

  • disposable hand towels to dry

  • disinfection of application tools in medical grade disinfectant

  • hourly spraying and wiping of surfaces

  • everything used around the eye is disposable, used once and then tossed

  • recliners are sprayed with 99% rubbing alcohol in between clients

  • if something is dropped on the ground, it’s picked up – item disinfected and hands washed again before resuming the service

  • we are a LICENSED business so the Health Board inspects the studio very regularly

We are NOT a public place….we do not take or have ever taken walk in clients. We are by appointment only and have been in business for 12 years so we know most of our clients – all of our clients that have been out of Canada have reached out to cancel their appt and we can’t express how much we appreciate that!

Have we upped our game during this time….yes. Door knobs, hard surfaces etc are being wiped down frequently, we are no longer shaking hands with new clients, cups/water bottles are no longer allowed on the lash cart.

Let’s keep it cute during this crisis, there’s no reason to emerge from our homes a few weeks from now stuffed with pasta, looking like you’d lived in a tree with an outrageous amount of toilet paper.