Stamp Me!!!
Who doesn’t like a stamp card? No one, EVERYONE loves a stamp card…you know the ones where you can hear the “click click” of the puncher thingy (that’s the technical term for it ) is oddly satisfying. Most of our clients come every 2 to 3 weeks for their relash so we wanted to give them something for their lash addiction. Every time you come in for your service hand over the card we gave for a little stampy stamp. When you get to the end of the card hand it over to your lash artist before you cash out and receive $10 off your service – YASSSSS HONEY. As soon as you hand that one over we will give you another one so the good times never end.
Are there strings attached? of course there is:
you can’t hoard the cards ie/ hand over 5 full cards to pay for the entire service with the stamp card (a smart move on your part but it’s bad for business)
combine the card with another promo offer we have going on – again a smart move by you but we do have rent to pay
do you have to use your card as soon as it’s filled? no you can keep it and use it next time you just can’t use in combination with another stamp card
can you use it on a full set? yes, say you decided to give your lashes a break for a few weeks and then book a full set of classics, hybrids or volumes you can use the $10 off on the cost of the full set.
can you give your stamp card to a friend that has not been to FCL before to apply to their full set? No, this is a prezzie for you and cannot be transferred to someone else.
Love & Lashes xo