The Weather Outside Is Frightful But Your LASHES Are Delightful !

The weather outside is NO good but don't worry doll your lashes will keep you warm ! Party season is just around the corner and soon your nights and weekends will be a flurry of cocktails and cookies.Because a party ain't a party unless your in attendance you better be looking your best for the grand entrance. I'm not pointing fingers here but it's possible you might have more than one champagne cocktail. Please doll, don't pull a Snooki and have 1/2 your false eyelashes hanging off whilst chatting to the hottest Christmas elf ever. Do your self a favour and invest in your best accessory - Lash Extensions. Spend more time on your hair cause your eyes won't need it - you already have instant glam. Late nights are part of the deal for a lady in demand, wake up looking as good as you did going to bed (This could be good news for many reasons  . . . just sayin'). Party prep is as simple as this : Lashes On, Brows Strong - Lip Gloss On and You're Gone !